Lynne Grundy Memorial Trust
Lynne Grundy Photograph  
About Us
Award Winners
  Registered Charity 1072150

Making a donation to the trust

The Trust was formed to look after money donated to a fund in memory of Lynne Grundy. This initial fund was invested with the Charities Aid Foundation and forms the core of our grant giving ability. It is increased by interest on the invested funds and additional donations. The Trust is a registered charity, and has no other activity or purpose than the giving of grants to individual students and scholars in the disciplines that Lynne was so committed to, thereby in some way continuing her work.

Of every £10 donated to the Trust, £9.70 goes directly to students and scholars in the form of awards. The other 30p we spend on mailing the publicity cards and newsletter. Your donation goes directly towards benefitting those who need it.

Donations to the Trust are always very welcome. Every year, more excellent candidates apply with important projects and work that just isn't being funded by the system. This, plus the fact that interest on the Trust's invested funds remains low, means that every donation (on whatever scale) is enormously important in continuing this increasingly vital support.

You can make a donation by cheque in any currency, made out to Lynne Grundy Memorial Trust, and send it to:

Lynne Grundy Memorial Trust, 29 The Grove, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 1NE.

Any donation you make can be worth nearly 30% more to the Trust through the Gift Aid scheme. Please include the following declaration with your cheque, and we'll do the rest:

"I am a UK taxpayer and would like the Lynne Grundy Memorial Trust to treat all donations I have made since 6 April 2004 (or relevant year) and any future donations as Gift Aid donations therefore qualifying for tax relief, until I notify you otherwise. I understand that the tax the Lynne Grundy Memorial Trust claims on these donations must not exceed the total amount which I pay in any tax year."

and please sign, date, and include your name and address - or download a Gift Aid form by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

You may cancel this declaration at any time by letting us know in writing.

Please note that we never sell or pass on details of our mailing list or donors under any circumstances. You don't need to tick a box to ask us not to. We will only send you the Trust's newsletter if you request it, and we don't do fundraising campaigns.

"This financial support has been invaluable for continuing my PhD research." (Award winner 2004)

"This is a welcome funding opportunity and a fitting tribute to an excellent scholar, and we would be eager to help in any way we can." (Academic sponsor 2004)

"To help these people achieve their potential and benefit the academic community as a whole, we must support them." (Donor 2003)

Download the Gift Aid Form  Click on the icon to download Gift Aid form
 Microsoft Word document (MSWord format)