The Trust welcomes applications from
all students and scholars in the disciplines of Old English
/ Anglo Saxon and Humanities Computing who
do not have a permanent full time post in the discipline,
nor adequate funding. Awards from the Trust are not intended
to replace primary sources of funding (like Local Authority
or departmental grants), but rather to fill a gap where additional
funds are needed for the completion of a research project
or for essential studies.
Most often, postgraduate students apply for help with a specific
(such as attending a conference to give a paper, or a few
months' writing time to get the thesis finished), but we often
give grants for purchasing books and research materials, towards
the expenses of publishing a paper or book, or for more unusual
projects (such as performing at the Edinburgh Fringe). Sometimes our applicants are scholars with a part-time teaching post and need help getting their career
more securely established.
We don't have rigid preconceptions about what you might need
the money
for; you are welcome to apply for funding for any project
that will benefit the discipline, and that is supported by
your referees. Grants are usually £250 to £500
depending on need, but sometimes we give small grants (eg
£50, for a particular reference book). The Newsletter
(qv) gives more information about past winners and their projects,
some of which are more quirky than you would expect.
We do not have an application form. We want a letter from
you telling us about your project, and how much money you need and what you
need it for, with your CV and two references from academic
supporters: these will usually (but not necessarily) be your
supervisors. The more information you and your referees can
give us, the easier it is for us to assess your application.
This needs to reach us BY EMAIL as an attachment in some form of standard document format ( Word and pdf formats are fine - Pages should be OK, but sometimes fails) by Easter.
It is no accident that we chose a moveable feast as our deadline! Lynne's BA was in English, her MA in Medieval Studies and her PhD in Theology. She was intimately acquainted with the medieval arguments about the date of Easter and we like to think that our use of such a historically charged deadline would make her smile.
Please email to: info@lynnegrundytrust.org.uk. We will then acknowledge
receipt of your application, tell you if we need anything
else, and let you know when you can expect to hear from us.
The trustees meet soon after Easter every year and the awards
are made in May. If you have won an award, we send you a cheque or organise a bank transfer.
Applications are welcome at any time of year, and will be
held until the following Easter deadline. If you're not sure
that you or your project would
be eligible, ask us by 'phone, post or email. We always treat
applications as confidential, but we do publish the names
and projects of award winners in our Newsletter; this often
gives welcome publicity to a project, and the awards are widely
regarded in the academic community as being a very good mark
on a CV. We're proud to say that our award winners are a very
brilliant lot!
"This award has been a
real encouragement and affirmation of the research I'm doing.
I value this recognition of my work as much as the financial
award itself." (Award winner 2002)